Cloud Transition, Azure Adoption and Azure Foundation

The Adoption of a cloud platform in an organization requires identifying and mastering the strategic, organizational and technical challenges.

The Adoption of Azure Cloud Plattform can be divided into two steps. The first one is to build up the Azure Foundation and the second one is to build up new Solutions with Azure Services.

The Azure Foundation consists of three pillars that support the entire Azure Cloud platform of customers, including Azure Governance, Azure Core Infrastructure and Azure Operations.

The first pillar “Azure Governance” includes resource Organization, resource Security, auditing and cost Controls.

The second pillar “Azure Core Infrastruktur” includes identity & access management, connectivity, Azure network, Security Management and System Management.

The third pillar “Azure Operations” includes Cloud Service Management and infrastructure Automation.

These three pillars build the Foundation for customers Azure Environment and are ready to carry the new Azure Solutions

As an Azure Solution, a modern environment can be designed and implemented according to business or IT requirements in Azure or Hybrid with OnPremises. e.g. the extension of the OnPrem Datacenter in Azure, compute workloads with VM’s or system/service/application deployment using IaaS as well as PaaS components. The Azure Solutions are offered as Managed Services according to business requests or partly also by the internal IT organization for the business.


Vorbereitung auf Microsoft Exam AZ-302 – Azure Solutions Architecture Expert

Ich bereite mich mit den folgenden Lernmaterial für diesen Prüfung vor und möchte denen die das auch geplant haben meine gesammelten Informationen zu Verfügung stellen. Ich wünsche allen viel Erfolg und hoffe das meine Inputs etwas dazu beitragen kann.



Determine Workload Requirements (15-20%)

Design for Identity and Security (5-10%)

Design a Business Continuity Strategy (15-20%)

Implement Workload and Security (5-10%)

Implement Authentication and Secure Data (5-10%)

Develop for the Cloud (50%)

Link Sammlung:


Microsoft Learn Portal

Microsoft Hands-on Lab

Azure Doc




Azure Site Recovery Planner für VMware vCenter OnPremise


Azure Site Recovery Deployment Planner einsetzen

Azure Site Recovery bietet die Möglichkeit virtuelle sowie physische Maschinen nach Azure zu Replizieren, mit Azure Site Recovery Deployment Planner ist es möglich z.B. die Kompatibilität der Virtuellen Maschinen in einer VMware Umgebung nach Azure zu prüfen und eine Kostenschätzung nach definierten RPO zu erstellen. Dazu wird auch der Sizing von OnPremise Azure Site Recovery Infrastruktur vorgeschlagen.


  • Auf der Maschine welches für Report Generierung verwendet wird, muss MS Excel installiert sein.
  • Azure Storage Konto für den Datendurchsatz Test erstellen und Access Key bereithalten
  • VMware vSphere PowerCLI
  • vCenter Admin User

Profiling – Informationen aus der vCenter sammeln

Vorbereitung für das Profiling – VM Liste erstellen

Set-ExecutionPolicy –ExecutionPolicyset- AllSigned

Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core

Connect-VIServer -Server <server name> -User name> -Password

Get-VM |  Select Name | Sort-Object -Property Name >  <outputfile.txt>

Outputfile Beispiel:


Profiling starten

Beispiel 1 – Profile VMs for 30 days, and find the throughput from on-premises to Azure

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation StartProfiling -Virtualization VMware -Directory “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData” -Server -VMListFile “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt”  -NoOfDaysToProfile  30  -User vCenterUser1 -StorageAccountName  asrspfarm1 -StorageAccountKey Eby8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==

Beispiel 2 – Profile VMs for 15 days

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation StartProfiling -Virtualization VMware -Directory “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData” -Server -VMListFile “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt” -NoOfDaysToProfile  15  -User vCenterUser1

Beispiel 3 – Profile VMs for 60 minutes for a quick test of the tool

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation StartProfiling -Virtualization VMware -Directory “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData” -Server -VMListFile “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt”  -NoOfMinutesToProfile 60  -User vCenterUser1

Beispiel 4 – Profile VMs for 2 hours for a proof of concept

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation StartProfiling -Virtualization VMware -Directory “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData” -Server -VMListFile “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt” -NoOfHoursToProfile 2 -User vCenterUser1

Report erstellen

Beispiel 1 –  Generate a report with default values when the profiled data is on the local drive

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation GenerateReport -Virtualization VMware -Server -Directory “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData” -VMListFile “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt”

Beispiel 2 – Generate a report when the profiled data is on a remote server

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation GenerateReport -Virtualization VMware -Server -Directory “\\PS1-W2K12R2\vCenter1_ProfiledData” -VMListFile “\\PS1-W2K12R2\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt”

Beispiel 3 – Generate a report for 5-minute RPO

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation GenerateReport -Virtualization VMware -Server -Directory “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData” -VMListFile “E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt”  -DesiredRPO 5

Datendurchsatz von OnPremise nach Azure eruieren

ASRDeploymentPlanner.exe -Operation GetThroughput -Virtualization VMware -Directory  E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData -VMListFile E:\vCenter1_ProfiledData\ProfileVMList1.txt  -StorageAccountName  asrspfarm1 -StorageAccountKey by8vdM02xNOcqFlqUwJPLlmEtlCDXJ1OUzFT50uSRZ6IFsuFq2UVErCz4I6tq/K1SZFPTOtr/KBHBeksoGMGw==